Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Transfer of Power

Luke 6:19- And all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came out from him and healed them all.

The Bible talks a lot about spiritual power can be given through the laying on of hands. People were healed. The Holy Spirit and his gifts were imparted. Several people were healed by touching Jesus on their own initiative (See Mark 5:27, for instance). As this verse describes what happened in Jesus’ ministry, there is something about physical contact that allows for the flow of spiritual power.

Early Pentecostals adopted the Bible’s pattern and began the practice of laying hands on people when praying for them. I have had the privilege many times of a real sense of both giving and receiving God’s power through touch and prayer. Like the difference between looking at a light socket and twisting the bulb in, there is a power transfer that can happen with that contact.

Science is now beginning to recognize the power of touch. A recent article in Psychology Today (“The Power of Touch,” by Rick Chilliot, March 11, 2013) cites many studies and researchers who are finding the power of touch to express and change emotion, to change relationships, and even increase sales. These researchers have found that a single touch can express more emotion than voice, face, or other means of expression. The power described in this week’s verse takes things to another level when Christian faith is involved.

Although the wrong kinds of touches can cause great harm, may we never lose the privilege of sharing the power of God through positive touch.

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