Luke 6:12-13 - In these days he went
out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God. And
when day came, he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, whom he
named apostles.
decisions are not worth much time or any agony. I have wasted a lot of time
trying to decide what groceries to buy, what to order from the menu, and what
shirt to wear. These decisions did not make much difference in the long run.
However, there are some decisions that are critical to our futures and those of
the people around us. None are more important than people decisions. Like the
old cliché says, “Show me your friends, and I will show you your future.”
By this
point, Jesus had a huge group of followers. I imagine all of them would have
loved personal mentoring and lots of face time, but Jesus could not effectively
train a multitude like he could a small group. Twelve was the number he needed
to have to properly invest in to ensure the infant church would have strong
leadership after he left. This was one of the most important decisions Jesus
made on earth.
Notice, he,
the Son of God, took a whole night in prayer before selecting the twelve
apostles. He got away from distractions, and he prayed. We do not get to know
if God the Father identified each disciple by name or if the time in prayer
helped Jesus to clarify his thoughts about his needs, his followers, and who
would be the best apostles. What we do know is that he spent time in focused
prayer then he made his decision. We each need to discern the decisions that we
face that are truly important and follow Jesus’ example: Pray, pray hard, and
then decide.
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