John 9:2-3 – “And his disciples asked
him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus
answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works
of God might be displayed in him.
When things
are not going well, do you look for someone to blame? Some people are
perpetually bitter about their circumstances and the people they believe are
John 9 tells
the story of a blind man. Living without sight would be a horrible circumstance
to spend your life in. Jesus’ disciples understood that. They immediately
looked someone to blame. “Whose fault is it?”
Notice Jesus’
response. Instead of seeking blame, Jesus pointed out the opportunity. What was
a horribly difficult life for that young man was completely turned around when
he met Jesus. He was then able to see. He was able to go from being a beggar to
providing for himself. He had a complete turnaround that could not be explained
except for the work of God.
Jesus said the
man’s blindness gave an opportunity for the works of God to be shown in him. If
we never go through anything negative, we never experience the miracle working
power of God. It is in life transformation, whether from physical blindness to
seeing, release from addiction, from depression to joy, or from purposelessness
to clear purpose, that we truly know and appreciate who God is and what he can
do. It is also the way others can see, know, and believe him.
Who have you
been blaming lately? What are the situations you are blaming them for? Instead
of a life of bitterness, instead allow God to display his work through your
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