24:38-40 (ESV) And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts
arise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me,
and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.”
And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.
It may seem tough to believe that Jesus
actually rose from the dead. Yet, this is the core doctrine of Christianity.
The fact that Jesus conquered death is the basis of our hope of eternal life.
Yet from the very beginning, people have struggled with believing the
Resurrection actually happened. Even Jesus’ closest disciples struggled with
doubt that first Easter, even while looking the freshly resurrected Jesus in
the eyes.
Yet Jesus was not afraid of their
doubts, nor did he condemn them for their questions. Jesus encouraged his
disciples, as he does all of us who struggle with doubt, to check and see that
he actually had risen from the dead. In his first appearance to all the
disciples that first Easter evening, he invited them to check and see for
themselves by looking at and touching the nail wounds in his hands and feet.
Even after the first touch, some were
still wrestling with doubt (vs 41), so Jesus ate food in front of them (vv
42-43). Then he showed how his life and resurrection fulfilled Old Testament
scriptures written hundreds of years before hand (vv 44-46). There was and is
no shortage of hard evidence that Jesus rose from the dead, but the greatest
evidence is touching him for yourself. It only took a few minutes for the once
doubting disciples to worship Jesus (vs 52). Even then, they touched him before
all their doubts were resolved. You and I do not need to have every question
answered before experiencing Jesus’ touch and worshiping him. Reach out to him
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