is no way to overstate the importance and challenge of faith. In Greek, the
noun faith and the verb believe have the same root. Over and over Jesus tells
us faith is the key to receiving eternal life (think of John 3:16 – “…whoever believes in him has eternal life) and
answered prayer. A lack of faith and difficulty believing seems to keep many
people who would become Christians from doing so. If Jesus were to ask me what I
want most of all, I would be just like his disciples in Luke 17:5 – “Give me
more faith, please!”
a request like that in verse 5, verse 6 should be one of the most important
verses in the New Testament. Jesus should have told us the secret formula, the
seven steps to increased faith. However, to the disciples’ disappointment (and
mine), Jesus did not do that. He did not tell them how to increase their faith.
He did not touch them on the foreheads and shout, “BAM!” Instead, he described a
seemingly impossible feat that came from one with a mustard seed of faith.
did Jesus not answer their question? He was pointing out that they were asking
the wrong question. The grain of mustard seed was tiny. The size of the
disciples’ faith was not the issue. What determined their faith’s effectiveness
was what they did with it. Faith is not limited by size. Whatever faith you
have, use it. Trust, believe, pray, follow, speak, act, and see what God will
do through you.
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