Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Where is Your Heart?

Luke 12:34 - Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

In Luke chapter 12, Jesus weaves together a variety of sayings on earthly wealth, persecution, and eternity. It can almost seem disjointed on a quick read, but the closer we look, the clearer the connection becomes. Verse 34 seems to sum it up well: Where we put our possessions, our efforts, our thoughts, and our emotions determines our real destination. The immediate and the visible cry for our attention. It is so easy to give in to the now and neglect the not yet, but as any wise investor knows, that is not the path to success. This is nowhere more true than in eternal things.

We can be tempted to worry about our possessions, but Jesus says to seek his kingdom instead (vs 31). We are tempted to store up earthly wealth, but it will be destroyed. Instead, generous giving is an eternally secure investment (vs. 33). Jesus will return at a time we do not expect, and those who are ready will be with him forever. Distraction with earthly affairs can leave unprepared for our Lord’s return (vs. 37). 
Jesus is also clear that words are not enough. Our actions not only show others what our priorities are. Our heart will follow our actions. Live what you believe and you will love what you believe.

Let’s live with an eternal perspective, keeping our hearts set on things that will last forever.

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