11:42 – “But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb,
and neglect justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without
neglecting the others.”
When walking on a very narrow trail,
it is easy to fall to one side or the other. So much in life is about the
tension of staying balanced. The same is true in our efforts to give and serve.
Some believers can get very focused on their personal relationship with God and
pour all of their energy, effort, and contribution toward him as an act of
worship. Others see the real needs of people around them, or even around the
world, and pour their efforts into bringing social justice and relief. It is
not uncommon for those in one camp to label the other as being in error. Yet,
Jesus is clear. Whichever side you are on, these
you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.
We need to tithe to God while still
helping those who cannot help themselves. Beyond this, Jesus has another,
deeper concern in the surrounding verses: Why do you do what you do? Part of
his beef with the Pharisees is that they did their good works not from a true
heart of worship toward God or compassion toward other people. They did their
good works to be noticed by others. Their self-worth came from being better and
more prestigious than those around them, Instead, Jesus said, “You are like unmarked graves, and people
walk over them without knowing it.” (Luke 11:44) The very glory from other people
they craved from others was instead exchanged for death and anonymity.
May God help us each
serve others and worship him from a pure heart.
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