Thursday, September 8, 2016

Peace in the Midst of Trouble

John 16:33 – I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Wouldn’t you love to have a trouble free life? Our culture, marketing, media, and often even the church seem to promise a trouble free life filled with total ease, convenience, and pleasure without ever having to deal with unpleasant things, disappointment, and pain. Yet, trouble hits us all sooner or later. Some of us get hit with it constantly. The difference between our trouble-free expectations and trouble-filled reality causes us anger, pain, and depression. There are two aspects of dealing with trouble that amplify the negative emotions and make it so hard to navigate. One is our expectation. The second is the way we deal with the difficulty when it comes.

Many well-meaning preachers have promised their would-be converts, “Come to Jesus, and all your troubles will disappear!” Yet, Jesus never made any such promise. Look at the verse above: “In this world you will have trouble.” Trouble is part of this season of our existence. Our prayers often do change our reality. God heals. Relationships are restored. Miracles happen. However, the Christian life is not about a perfect life in the present world. It is certainly a better life, but it is an eternal life. The day will come when trouble will cease, but today is not that day. Sometimes being a Christian means we face new and different troubles, but expecting no troubles is a recipe for disappointment.

The second question is: how do you deal with your trouble? You may be tempted to cry, to whine, to fight, to give up, to run, to hide, to scream, or take it out on those you love, but Jesus offers a different way – a much better way. He says above, “You may have peace.” While all the problems and troubles are pressing in, you can have a peace that is greater than all. This is not a placebo of naiveté. This real, tangible, life-changing peace only has one source. Jesus says, “In me you will have peace.” It does not come from a substance, and experience, or any other person. Jesus alone is our source of peace. I have personally experienced the powerful peace Jesus brings countless times, and I would love for you to have it in your life, as well.

Jesus told his disciples the things he told them so they would have this peace in the midst of the world’s trouble. I encourage you to spend time in those words. Read them and live by them. Get to know the one who said them. He has overcome the world through his resurrection, and he can give you real peace today.

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