Friday, April 3, 2015

It’s Friday. What’s So Good About It?

John 19:17-18, 30 (NAS) They took Jesus, therefore, and He went out, bearing His own cross, to the place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha. There they crucified Him, and with Him two other men, one on either side, and Jesus in between… Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. (NAS) 

It used to baffle me that this day is called Good Friday. It celebrates an innocent man condemned to be executed by one of the cruelest forms of torture ever developed. How can it be good that one who did no wrong was killed to preserve the security of corrupt officials and an unfair system? When is such seemingly needless cruelty and violence ever good?

Yet, Good Friday was and is good. It is good because we have no hope without it. Every one of us is corrupt ourselves. In spite of all of humanity’s technological advances, we have not found a way to eliminate selfishness, greed, abuse, lying, lust, or a hundred other wrongs that characterize our species. We each have done wrong, and we each have to pay the price for these wrongs unless one who did no wrong was willing to take our place.

Good Friday is good because Jesus Christ, who is the only one worthy to pay for all mistakes, was willing to suffer a violent death so you and I would not have to.

Good Friday is good because when Jesus said, “It is finished,” the work of paying for the sins of mankind was, once and for all, finished.

Good Friday is good because any of us, no matter how evil and corrupt we have been, can, like the thief on the cross next to Jesus, be forgiven and assured of our place in heaven when we truly repent.

Good Friday is good because it demonstrates God’s unfailing love for us, even when we do not deserve it.

Good Friday is good because there is no other way we can have our sin removed than receiving the gift of forgiveness that came Jesus’ death on the cross.

Good Friday is good, indeed. Very good. May it be good for you.

1 comment:

Don Detrick said...

Great reminder, Alan!