Tuesday, August 5, 2014

God Can

Luke 18:27 - “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”

The rich young ruler wanted to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Eager and ready to do almost anything, he came to Jesus to see what else he needed to do. When Jesus asked him to sell all his possessions and follow him, the young man left sad, because that was more than he could bear. As much as he loved God, he loved his wealth more. As he walked away, Jesus was deeply grieved and said to those around him, “It is very hard for the wealthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is easier for a camel to pass through the hole of a needle.”
His disciples had always associated wealth with God’s favor. This did not make sense to them. If the rich, who were seemingly the favored candidates, could not make it to heaven, who could? In reply, Jesus made the statement above: “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”

The biggest barrier for the rich young ruler was the same barrier for most of us and the people we love: our own hearts. We all know people who need to change their attitudes and beliefs. Most of us have tried hard to change others’ hearts and actions, especially those closest to us. Yet, in spite of all of our diligent efforts, they rarely change. The addiction does not stop, the angry outbursts continue, the deceit seems endless. The harder we try to change others, the worse things get. It seems hopeless.

Jesus’ words apply to us in so many ways. We cannot always change ourselves. We can rarely change others. Yet, God can. Hundreds of millions of us have seen God change hearts. Whether we are a wealthy young man prizing our riches above all else or a drug addict living on the street, what no person can do, God can. Stop prodding those you love to change and start praying. God can bring that change.

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