Friday, September 13, 2013

Get Ready

Luke 3:4b - “The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight.”

When opportunities come, those who are ready can seize them. When the storms of life come, those who are ready survive. It takes effort to get ready. It takes a willingness to sacrifice a little ease and pleasure now to have a great benefit long term. Getting ready requires intentionality, foresight, and even risk. We can work hard to get ready for something that never happens. Yet, those who are ready get the reward.

John the Baptist’s mission is summarized in this quote from Isaiah. All the gospels talk about the necessity of his coming to get people ready. He was like the coach working his team hard in the off season so they will be ready to win the playoffs. Athletes who want to win may not see the direct connection of those hours in the weight room when others are out sitting by the pool, but when it matters, those who are ready win. There are three kinds of time use: 1) Getting ready, 2) playing to win, or 3) unfruitful time. John warns us not to spend much time in that third category.

John’s mission involved challenging people to change their hearts and their behavior and go public with that commitment through baptism. He gave both the warning and the promise of Jesus’ coming. There were winners and losers. Those who were ready won when Jesus came by welcoming him into their lives. Some chose to ignore John’s message. Most of those ignored Jesus’ invitation. They missed their chance.

I have the privilege of helping students get ready to fulfill their callings. It takes time, money, and a lot of work. Yet, students who take the effort get themselves ready change the world when their time comes.
What time is it for you? Are you getting ready or is time to play to win?

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